Are Vending Poker Machines Legal in Wisconsin?

Are vending poker machines legal in Wisconsin is a complex question with numerous answers that depend on who is asking it and their perspective. As an adult owning such machines at home is likely legal; whereas minors operating such devices could find themselves in big legal trouble. Vending machines have …

How to Become an Entertainment Lawyer

An entertainment lawyer is a legal professional who offers assistance to individuals and businesses involved in the entertainment industry. They help draft contracts, review agreements, resolve legal disputes and offer advice when disputes arise. Entertainment lawyers tend to reside in major metropolitan areas with high concentrations of entertainment-industry businesses. Aspiring …

How a Role Playing Game Works

Role-playing games allow participants to assume the roles of fictional characters in fictional settings, with various physical attributes like strength, dexterity, health, skills and talents that they may develop while playing the game. When acting out characters during role playing games, players often narrate in voice of character they are …

What Happens to Hot Lotto Jackpot When Game Ends?

A Blazing Hot Cash lottery ticket may seem odd to hold in your hand, but it shouldn’t be seen as anything unusual; after all, just like Utz potato chips or Entenmann’s cinnamon-swirl buns from your local convenience store or $1.98 bottles of wine they all provide government services for consumers …